The Best Cat-Mom and Dad’s favorite Child!

The Best Cat-Riki

The Best Cat Riki! The darling of his parents. He is not just a doll of love, He is also a beloved child and an inspiration to live & a source of life. He is like an invincible zeal, enthusiasm and courage to survive in the battle of life. This very beautiful child has survived the battle of life by the infinite mercy of Allah and the love and care of his mother. He has become a part of the human family. His days are spent by playing, frisking and sleeping. In this way, day after day, week after week and month after month passes.  

The Best cat (Riki’s) Childhood Days

After bringing him at home, A few months later he slowly started growing. His skeletal body was getting complete and her mother’s mind was getting healthy. Strangely, his ears were as big as an elephant’s!! Although with time, only the human body grew and the ears got smaller. The baby was used to walk around holding his mother’s tail like a child. She slowly grew and became everyone’s best cat & favorite day by day and started occupying his place everywhere in the house.

listening to his mom is the best quality of the best cat
The best cat looks like a 'Honuman'

This kid looks like Hanuman is Riki too!! He used to go crazy for eating everything since he was little. Just like that, one day he going to eat henna and became a Hanuman beloved by his parents. He had to remain as Hanuman for about 2 (two) months.

Along with Hanuman, he also started becoming a monkey. His frisking increased day by day. He could not do anything except playing. Is that all?? He also started biting his mother so much so that his mother got annoyed to him and started planning to abandon the child. But due to his father’s clever decision who has never bitten anyway by his child, all his mother’s plans were ruined!! That was the main reason why he pointed his tongue at his mother.

The cat pointed his tongue at his mother

The best cats Daily Activities

The best cat Riki is very happy

Riki has a little different from any ordinary cat. He always overcome by illness rapidly. He spends his time playing this game and that game and jumping around. When he is very happy to playing, he shows his big teeth with smile to his mother just like this. The best cat is growing like this.

This is a loud laugh from Riki. It could also be a joke. Sometimes you can’t understand what he’s doing or what he wants.

the cat laughed at someone
The best cat looking for Food

Riki has been a glutton since childhood. Not so much now, but he has to monitor every meal that he seen to anyone. Even if he doesn’t want to, he will pull your hand and smell the food. If he feels like it, he will start eating; otherwise he will leave the area. Maybe he never misbehaves with his dad because his dad always takes food for him when he goes for meeting him & his mother.

The cat statue for a lighting ball
The best cat playing with his toys

Riki likes to play, so toys were bought for him. But the ball is not his favorite. When the ball starts lighting, he stops playing and sits quietly. His playmates are his mother, a pillow, 2 dolls, cockroaches, mice and insects.

Riki doesn’t like water at all. He can’t take a bath but his body is always sparkling clean. He is busy with his daily routine. The picture shows Ricky’s style of his routine. It looks like he is cleaning his body and saying Hi to someone!! Whenever someone is working/ studying, Riki likes to go and sit there. Very jealous!! Some people think that he is just like his father, although this is not true.

The cat saying Hi to someone!!

Riki’s Thinking, Playing

want to go outsite
waiting for run away

This boy, who is a mother’s favorite, is very wild. He can’t stand being indoors. Even when he’s indoors, his ears are always outside. He’ll run away if there’s any noise outside. Even if you tie him up, he’ll run away through the window.

playing with household things

This is the accused Riki. His job is to mess up the tidy things. He doesn’t have to take any kind of permission for this. He doesn’t even feel any remorse for these things. When he spoils these things in the guise of playing, his father has to listen bad word for his unused behavior. Sometimes, a fine is demanded from his father for these things.

Riki’s Sleeping Toys
sleeping with toys
sleeping with mom's hand

This is Ricky’s sweet sleep. Sometimes he will sleep holding his dolls and sometimes in his mother’s hand. Whenever he feels like it. Mother’s caress Riki loves his mother very much. It is understood when his mother returns home after going somewhere. Whenever he sees her, he will run to her lap and kiss her. But when his father visits him only 2/3 days a year, he does not show his caress. It is as if he has saved all his love for his mother.

One of Riki’s favorite games is to bite his mother’s finger. The more he bites, the more fun he has. He draws a map in his mothers hand as he bites. Of course, Riki’s mother doesn’t understand what fun there is in biting. But His father do! That’s why sometimes I want to bite too. Want to bite Riki!!

playing with mom's hand

Overthinker Riki

he is thinking deep in rain

This is Riki’s indifferent poet version. He is watching the rain through the window and thinking about something. Maybe he is thinking about his happy family. Or he is wondering where to go and what to do after the rain.

If you disturb him while he is sleeping or at any other time, Riki gets angry. Then he shows his eyes like this. The feeling is that if you disturb him again, he will eat you. Although it is limited to showing his eyes not in real monent. This happens when his mother disturbs him. But if someone else disturbs him, there is no time to show his eyes, then direct action!!!

Riki looks like very furious
Fans Favorite Riki
photo session with his fans

Riki is an uncommon character. How can such an uncommon character not have fans?? Although Riki doesn’t want to give much time to any of his fans. But sometimes, when he is in a good mood, he gives his fans the opportunity to take pictures with him.

Finally, I pray to Almighty Allah to make a place for everyone’s beloved Riki in everyone’s hearts. May the unbreakable bond between him and his family last forever. May a happy and beautiful family be built with him.

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